Monero Mining Vega 56 Newest Drivers Zcash Wallet For Mac


Posted by2 years ago

It has been a while since I wrote something useful here, so I thought I'd write a little about Monero mining using an EthOS rig. As a lot of you probably know, EthOS is a Linux distro which was made for mining cryptocoins on the GPUs. Out of the box, EthOS has built in support for Ethereum, Zcash and Monero. The default setup is configured to mine Ethereum. EthOS uses sgminer to mine Monero, and it all just about doing some changes to the configuration. I have disabled remote.conf, set a fixed IP address on the host, changed the login passwords, upgraded to latest version of EthOS and ensured that the box boots into a drive that has been expanded to use the whole SSD drive (16GB). My local.conf looks like this:

I am mining CryptoNight around a month already and I tried NiceHash, ETN and Monero mining. My setup is 2x Vega 64 Liquid, i5 4440, 8GB RAM and 850W PSU (power draw is 360W from the wall). I tried CastXMR, ccminer and xmrig and in all these miners is my hashrate stable from 3950 H/s to 4000 H/s. AMD’s new Radeon RX VEGA 64 GPU is now officially out in the wild and we have some first impressions from it to share regarding crypto mining. There were various pieces of information and rumors regarding the mining performance of the new AMD VEGA, but since we got out hands on one we are going to.

Monero Mining Vega 56 Newest Drivers Zcash Wallet For Mac

-- [panelname] is the name for your EthOS status page. This is a 6 character name, I just choose hypnos, so if I go to: I get a overview of all (both) my rigs. This is in particularly nice if you are on vacation and want to see how your rigs are doing. All you need is an internet connection.

[password] this is the panel password, also 6 characters. Which prevents you to put your rigs into my panel.

next is the loc parameter which first has [hostid] and [workername]. Each host has a 6 character long id. You can find this id after the @ sign in the login shell and it is the last 6 characters of the MAC address on your network card. [worker name] is the worker name used on the EthOS distro stats page. You can see this name under the 'loc' tab on the page.

maxgputemp and globalfan is global maximum variables for temp and fan speed. I will adjust this later for my rig, as I have some GPU's that are hotter than others, in particular there is one that's just above the CPU exhaust fan.

The next lines are Monero specific and tells the system which pool to use, [wallet] is your Monero wallet and [workerid] is the worker name you assign to this host on the mining pool. I use Dwarfpool, which means that the format of this line is [wallet].[workerid] - other pools may have different ways to handle this. The pool information page usually has info on how this works.

The last 3 lines are cor, mem and fan. I am using 3 different GPUs on my rig. 2xRX480, 2xRX580 and 2xRX460. In the order: RX480,RX580,RX460,RX460, RX480,RX580 on the PCI-e lanes. I mostly placed them in this order because] I had to ensure the USB cable reached, and my physical placement of the cards were mostly influenced by the fact that the RX580 runs a tad hotter than the others. The setting works like this:

  • cor [hostid] [core mhz card1] [core mhz card2] and so on.

  • mem [hostid] [memory speed card1] [ memory speed card2] and so on.

  • fan [hostid] [fan card 1] [ fan card 2 ] and so on.


After saving and making a backup of local.conf, you need to pay attention to the other config file, sgminer-gm-xmr.stub.conf. Mine looks like this:

As you can see, I had to write down the pool information again, and I am using Dwarfpool EU as main pool and Dwarfpool US as backup pool. Another thing worth noticing here is that the rawintensity is different on the RX460 compared to the RX480/580 cards. The rest is pretty much just straight forward.

Hash rate is around 3030h/s, none of my cards are overclocked or BIOS patched. Power usage (metered on the wall) is about 600-610W.

After finishing off the configuration, reboot the rig. Wait a few minutes after the rig has rebooted (you'll hear the fans gear up) then type:

  • show miner

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to see how the miner is doing. Press ctrl-A ctrl-D to exit the overview screen. Adjust fans speed appropriately, I prefer to keep the temperature between 50-60'C and ensure that everything is working as it should.


  • EthOS distro:

  • EthOS KB:

  • GPU Shack (where they sell EthOS):

  • My EthOS stats page:

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